Sunday, 7 August 2011

Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink..

Here in the extreme South East corner of England we have less rainfall than some parts of Sudan, much as I find that hard to believe. Dungeness is Britain's only official desert. The local (French-owned) water company, got Government permission to make the area the first in Britain where water meters are compulsory. Not sure if they are all rolled out yet, but certainly my street is. Having a water meter does make you a bit more conscious of water wastage ie dripping taps.

But since the reason behind the meter is a lack of water, I'm being more water conscious. When I empty the kettle,before refilling for tea, I empty it into an indoor watering can for the houseplants. If there are opened half-empty bottles of Evian hanging about, they get added too. When I've boiled water ie for eggs or vegetables or pasta, the water gets chucked on the garden, once cold. I think in Winter I will have a lidded bucket by the back door.I don't chuck greywater on my garden though, because of the detergents - my local sewage plant is start of the art and returns absolutely clean water to the sea :)

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